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Lasting Changes, LLC

The Struggles of Being a SAHM: Yoga Can Help

Stay at home mom doing yoga with her child

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Practicing Yoga Brings Calm to a SAHM

Yoga is very powerful. It is especially powerful for those that have the sometimes intense and unpredictable struggles of a SAHM.

In this post I’m going to go over the struggles that we go through as SAHMs to validate that you’re not alone and then I’m going to cover the different components of Yoga that can bring you peace in a world filled with unpredictable chaos that is being at home with your littles.

You see Yoga is not just a practice that involves some movement, meditation, and breathing. It is also a set of beliefs.

Yoga is So much More...

There is scientific research supporting the physical benefits of Yoga and the benefits aren’t just a tight booty. Yoga reduces cortisol (the stress chemical) and releases oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, GABA, and dopamine (the happy chemical) into the brain.

In addition to becoming stronger and more balanced we NEED these happy chemicals as SAHMS.

As SAHMS we are taking care of these beautiful little people (all day and mostly solo) that we feel the MOST love and protection of that we’ve ever felt in our lives. And, as SAHMS we experience so many unpredictable things ranging from the 100th whine of the day to our babies getting injured or sick.

You're Not Alone in Your Struggles as a SAHM

Just to share my woes with the other SAHMS that are reading this, here are some things I experience in a day or week with my littles:

  1. An illness during which my little is suffering and wants only me
  2. My littles precariously balanced on anything that they can fall off of
  3. My littles whining and crying for umpteenth time in a day
  4. My littlest waking up at 5am daily (he’s 3 and has done this his entire life)
  5. Refusal of foods (even foods they loved yesterday)
  6. Giant tantrums with ear-splitting screams
  7. Owies
  8. Fights between the littles
  9. Throwing either during a tantrum or just for fun
  10. Following through with countless demands
  11. Figuring out which battles to choose
  12. Being spoken to disrespectfully then correcting the little
  13. Spills
  14. Broken things
  15. 1000 toys are tiny thins underfoot EVEN if I try to control the amount of toys in our home

The list can go on. Don’t get me wrong, for each challenge there is a much larger reward waiting around the corner. But us beautiful and strong women have never experienced this in our lives, and we are trying our best.

Self-Care is a Must as a SAHM & Yoga is Self-Care

If we don’t practice regular self-care, we’ll burn out. The great news is there are so many forms of easily accessed self-care and Yoga is one of the most powerful forms of self-care there is.

I’m going to briefly cover the powerful components of yoga that, if practiced, will bring some peace of mind and calm to your world as a SAHM.

What are Sutras?

The Yoga Sutras were created by a man named Patanjali that lived in between the 2nd and 4th century. The Yoga Sutras Text are a collection of 196 Sutras divided into 4 chapters. Each Sutra has been established to act as both a warning against life’s pitfalls and as a solution to those pitfalls. In a nutshell, these Sutras are the aim of the practice of Yoga and what Yoga can do for the strength of your mental health.

If you want to dive into all 196 Sutras (a dense yet enlightening read) then you can access the books free online here.

 or you can buy a very reader friendly book titled, The Path of the Yoga Sutras by Nicolai Bachman.

Understanding the belief system of Yogis is a whole different level of falling in love with the power of Yoga. The main message of The Sutras is this…

“Yoga is the progressive settling of the mind into silence.

When the mind is settled, we are established in our own essential state, which is unbounded consciousness.

Our essential nature is usually overshadowed by the activity of the mind”

Find the article that this quote came from here.

Through meditation, yoga and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), I’ve been able to achieve a calmer reaction to SAHM-related frustration (I said calmer not totally calm!) and I’ve been able to stop relying on outside sources (alcohol) to escape any difficult emotions.

As SAHMs we need this “settling of the mind” that the Sutras intends to foster and if it can be accomplished through the practice of Yoga then bring on the Yoga!

What are Asanas?

Asanas are the physical poses of yoga, and they have their own benefits. Have you ever taken a yoga class and the yoga instructor has you stay in a position for EVER and it HURTS?! This staying in a physically challenging position can lead to mental and physical health benefits. Not only do you gain mental fortitude against discomfort and challenges, but you increase the range of motion of your joints which leads to keeping up with your littles more easily!

Lastly, during a yoga class balance is always the aim. Not only do you complete a pose on both sides of the body, but you typically also move into a pose that counteracts the pose you were just in. This is a beautiful delivery of the message of balance. And balance is the key to peace of mind for a SAHM.

What Can Pranayama do for You?

Pranayama is the ancient practice of controlling your breath and comes in different forms. The goal of it is to connect the body and mind. There is scientific research that supports the physical and mental benefits of deep breathing. Deep breathing is typically a focus in yoga classes and meditation. Controlling your breath decreases cortisol (stress hormone), increases mindfulness, improves sleep quality, boosts cognitive function, among other things. That’s a lot of benefits! Read more in this article here.

Each of those benefits would greatly improve our mental health as SAHMs. Great news is you can control your breathing at ANY point in the day. I know there have been countless occasions during which I’m feeling an intense sense of frustration while at home with my babies and breathing saved me from an outburst and from “losing it.”

In Conclusion

I hope this post leads to the discovery of the many meaningful ways that yoga can bring balance and peace into your life as a SAHM. You don’t have to set aside 1 full hour to do yoga either. Just 10-15 minutes of breathing while moving through yoga poses can bring on the benefits. Set aside that time for self-care so that you can be a healthy and rejuvenated SAHM for your babies.

Do you already do Yoga and find it helpful in your life as a SAHM? Do you meditate and feel that it’s brought you peace as a SAHM?

Feel free to leave feedback on what you thought about the post or what you’d like to see more of on my blog!

Until next time,


Written by, Kristi, October 20, 2023

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