Lasting Changes LLC

Nutrition, Fitness & Stress Management Plans Tailored Specifically for Moms by a Mom

I have a passion for supporting mothers in their health and wellness journey and am dedicated to acting as a guide on nurturing your physical and emotional well-being.
Using my years of experience as a mother, a coach to mothers, a behavioral scientist, and a health & wellness coach, my approach is an artful blend of knowledge and empathy.
As we progress through this journey together, mental barriers are permanently broken down through the application of the acceptance & commitment therapy (ACT) framework and interactive exercises.
I have a genuine desire to see mothers thrive & overcome challenges. Through our work together, you will create research-based nutrition, fitness and stress management goals that will lead to prioritizing self-care amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood.
Let’s work together!

Frequently Asked Questions

I help women, specifically Moms, develop sustainable boundaries and goals around fitness, nutrition, and stress management through 1-1 coaching, through participation in workshops and group presentation packages.

I’m a NBC HWC (national board certified health & wellness coach) & BCBA (board certified behavior analyst) with 11 years of experience working with Moms.

Assessment of current health behaviors, creation of individualized and sustainable health goals, research-based resources to keep and use forever, guidance on how to change health goals as needed, and an acceptance & commitment therapy (ACT) approach to mental barriers

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA) can cover your expenses with a medical necessity letter from your doctor.

Convenient Video Sessions on a weekly basis and text messages during business hours

  • Tier one: 6 weeks (1.5 hr Intake, 5 30-minute sessions) Total: $350.00
  • Tier two: 6 weeks (1.5 hr intake, 5 1 hour sessions) Total: $600.00
  • Tier three: 12 weeks (1.5 hr intake, 11 1 hour sessions) Total: $1200.00
  • Yes! I offer a presentation titled:

Balancing ACT: A Behavioral Science Approach to Conquering Self-Care as a Mother

The Package lasts 6 weeks with each weekly presentation (with free worksheets/handouts) lasting 1 hour. The Price is $50 per person.

SAHM with kiddo and Dog in lake

Check Out my Latest Blog Posts

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How to Reprioritize your SAHM Tasks So That Self-Care Fits Into your Life
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A Life-Changing Mindfulness Tool for SAHMS
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The Struggles of Being a SAHM: Yoga Can Help
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How to Manage Time as a SAHM
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Setting Boundaries for Self-Care as a Stay-at-Home-Mom: Part 2
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Happy stay at home mom playing with daughter
Setting Boundaries for Self-Care as a Stay-at-Home-Mom: Part 1
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Learn More how I Can Help You

My name is Kristi and I’m a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA) and a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC). Read more about how I can help you on your journey to improved fitness, nutrition and mental health