Lasting Changes LLC

Lasting Changes, LLC

Kristi McCreight, BCBA, NBC-HWC

About Me

I’m a mother of two and I have a passion for women (specifically Moms) setting boundaries in the name of self-preservation. My passion blossomed after training mothers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA) in the home on how to implement behavioral interventions for their children. After I left my profession to be a full time stay-at-home Mom I was confronted with just how much mental and physical energy I spent every day catering to the needs of the littles that I loved more than anything in the world. The heavy load of motherhood, though rewarding, can threaten to leave us Mothers neglecting ourselves to the point of burn out. I chose to marry my experience and knowledge of applied behavior analysis with health & wellness coaching so that I could become a health ally to mothers that desire to learn the science behind setting boundaries, conquering mental barriers and creating actionable goals.